What Drains Your Car Battery?
A dying car battery can be stressful and unexpected, faulting out from things like age, a bad alternator, or even human error. If your Cadillac lease near Plainfield is affected by a poor car battery, let us know and we will help you get the maintenance you need. Here are some reasons your car battery could drain.
Human Error
If you've left the headlights on in your car, didn't completely close the trunk, or kept lights on in the car's interior, it's possible that the battery will drain overnight. Come morning, your car will not start so make sure you double-check the state of your car before you head inside.
Parasitic Drain
A parasitic drain is when there's an abnormal and continuous discharge of power even after the engine has been shut off. This can be caused by a short circuit or an electrical device that was in the "on" position, which could drain your car's battery.
Extreme Temperatures
If you live in an area where it can get really hot or cold, be aware that temperatures can cause lead sulfate crystals to build up. If you leave your car outside during these conditions, the sulfate buildup can cause damage to the battery life. Additionally, it could take longer than usual for your car to charge, especially when you are only driving short distances.
Old Battery
When you have an old or weak battery, it won't be able to hold a full charge and could lead to your car not starting consistently. Generally, we recommend replacing your car battery every 3 to 4 years or on a "need-to" basis.
Call us if you have any questions regarding your car's battery or stop by to begin your Cadillac lease near Plainfield today!